Monday, April 23, 2018

woman's realm stereotypes essay

To what extent does the magazine Women’s Realm challenge or reinforce stereotypes.

woman's realm can be seen to reinforce stereotypes that women are expecrted to be in the domestic sphere and look after men. this is suggested for example during the raisins adverizment. we know that it is targeted at women sa the main image is a young lady, showing that women are the ones expected to do the cooking. in addition she is also holding a tray of food she has presumibly just prepared,. this further reinforces this point as women were expected by society to stay at home and preare dinner or their husbands.

having said this, this advert is also seen to be challenging the stereotypical views of womna, as at the time women were not encouraged to stand out and show their body. they were expected to stay at home in the background to men. however, she is desplaying her body as she is wearing a bright green eye-catching swimsuit. in addition she is aslo parctacing surf. at the time sport was considered a male activity, and the fact that she is shown surfing suggests that this magazine challanges the stereotypes of woman's representation. 

having said this at the this edition was published consumerism was being entourage. Publishers used magazines to sell products that american women would need to purchase in order to live the "american dream life".  we can see this for ecample thoruhg the contents page as makeup products are advertized. we see that women are encouraged to purchase products in order to be able to look beautiful, so that hey can "get and keep a man" , which was stereotypically thought to be their main aim at the time.  this reinforces gauntlett's theory that the media provides us with the tools to create our own identity. it tells women that they ned to purchas the products in order to look beautiful.

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