low colture= popular colture that havve mass appeal (take away meals , gosspi magazines football)
high colture= "best breed"( shakespere classic art, classic music)
postmodernity= breaking of boundaries
- public and private sfere
- reality and fiction
- past present and fututr
- art and everyday life
intertextuality refers to the multiple ways in which a text is entangled with or contains references to
other texts
=postmodernism is driven by consumer colture that celebrates the surface
- in this era our historical past is represented by the glossy qualities on the image. nostalgia describes a longing for the past
Hybridity is the mixture of
several different genre categories into one text.
- parody is also part of this theory as he believed that there is a comic intention in producing an imitation which moks the original.
pastiche= parody which has lot its sense of humour and is more about plagiarism than actual comedy.
ibridati = mixing together different gnres into one text
uses irony and takes different ideas from different texts experimenting with them
post modern text can be descried as del riflessive, as it draws attention to its strutture, production and conventions to the audience.
disjointed narrative is also part of this theory , as storylines and characterisations are broken up and dont follow a conventional pattern
- make audence feel like there are no genreic riles anymore
challanges aspects of life and belief system which used to be taken for granted
voyeurism= texts whic look at others though thir process, dependin on visual consumption of others
- inablitiy to create new texts
Simulation and hyperreality is regarded as another component of
postmodern text where there is the blurring of real and ‘simulated’ Postmodern text
- Inability to create anything new
- Experimentation with existing forms and conventions
- General pessimism and lack of purpose
- Technology increasing important in social interaction
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