1. How did the BBC develop historically? Create a brief timeline
1920-1922 bbc was founded
1923- 1926 bbc went from private company to pubic service corporstion
1927- british broadcasting corporation came into existance
1939- 1946 television broadcasting was suspended due to war
2. What is Public Service Broadcasting?
it means that they have a mission to enrich people's life with programmes that informa, educate and enteratin. people do not pay to see this channel, so they need to air what the audiece wants to see.
3. How is the BBC structured?
the bbc is divided into many groups. they have:
bbc board - responsible for ensuring the BBC fulfils its mission and public purposes as set out in the Charter.
board committee - responsible for Editorial Guidelines and Standards, Fair Trading and the Nations.
executive committee - responsible for the day-to-day running of the BBC and consists of the senior directors managing large operational areas of the BBC. The Executive Committee is responsible for delivering the BBC’s services in accordance with the strategy and delegation framework agreed by the Board, and for all aspects of operational management.
regulation - assesses performance, ensures fair and effective competition and regulates how the BBC’s commercial activities interact with its public services. In addition, it regulates BBC content and output against its Broadcasting Code.
4. What is the Licence Fee, how is it collected and how is it used?
a licence fee is what you need to pay in order ti record live tv programmes on any channel and download bbc programs on i player.
5. Why does this make the BBC different?
The licence fee allows the BBC's UK services to remain free of advertisements and independent of shareholder and political interest.In addition to funding BBC programmes and services, a proportion of the licence fee contributes to the costs of rolling out broadband to the UK population and funding Welsh Language TV channel S4C and local TV channels.
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