Thursday, October 12, 2017

Applying Van Zoonen's and Bell Hall's theory to Jessica Ennis's podium magazine

Jessica Ennis - Podium Magazine analysis

Van Zoonen argued that women in the western culture are highly sexualised and that their bodies are seen as objects. This is reinforced in Jessica Ennis's podium magazine, as we can see medium shots portraying her body and taking up most of the space on the magazine. The magazine should contain information about how Jessica Ennis got to the podium at the 2012 Olympics, and should highlight all her determination in gaining the place. they should describe her journey in achieving her gold, but instead, most of the page is occupied by images displaying her body and highlighting her slim physique and stereotypically beautiful body.
The costumes used in this magazine are really effective as they make Jessica Ennis look really feminine physically attractive. Despite the fact that she is holding a hula hoop, which should highlight her sporty attitude, she is wearing stilettos and really glamorous golden and sparkly clothes. this reinforces van Zoonen's theory, as she believed that in the media there is more emphasis on women's bodies rather than their achievements. She believed that the audience concentrated on the physical appearance of a woman more than anything else. the fact that she is wearing tight clothing which highlight her figure reinforce this theory, making her look stereotypically attractive and appealing to the audience. it suggest that women should always be looking beautiful and glammed up, no matter what their interests or occupations are.
Hall's theory that stereotyping tends to occur where there are inequalities of power can be seen as wrong. In this advert Jessica Ennis has good posture, she has a straight back, she is standing tall, with wide legs and hands around her hips, and this can suggest that she is a strong and independent woman. She looks powerful and does not seem to be inferior or have less power then men.
In addition Zoonen's theory can be questioned by the way Jessica Ennis is portrayed in this magazine. She believed that men bodies were the ones which were seen as strong and important, but the low angle shot from which the pictures of Jessica Ennis are taken make the athlete look strong, powerful and important. they highlights her success and make her look tall and dominant and determined. it is challenging the way women are usually represented. she does not look at all weak and less powerful than men.

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