Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Gauntlet's web 2.0

Gauntlett - Collective Identity theory

There is satisfaction in belonging to a group, which can seem empowering and more important than an audience's own singular identity.

 - Any user can contribute and produce media - previously large corporations and media producers told audiences what they could watch and when. This is possible as media is now more accessible, cheaper and easier to produce
he believed that people now have a rout to self express and therefore a stronger sense of participation in the world through making and exchanging online.
- Media can be a place where people can converse, exchange information and transform
- You can build your own sense of identity through everyday creative practice.

Through consuming some media forms, individuals can gain a sense of belonging and an identity that transcends the individual.

collective identity: The individual's sense of belonging to a group.

Giddens: The self is not something we are born with, and it is not fixed. it is constructed by the individual and we all choose lifestyle.

To what extent does the cover of this magazine demonstrate Gauntlett’s ‘Collective Identity’ Grauntlett believed that the media provides audiences with resources to allow them to construct their identities.  in this front cover we see niki minj represented as a strong, fierce and powerful woman. this is done through the use of clothing and colour. the black leather jacket is really effective as it represents danger and makes her look strong. this suggests women should be powerful ,and never be scared of anything. the fact that she is the main image can give a sense of belonging to the audience as they can all be fans on niki minaj and through the magazine they may be able to sense of belonging with other individuals similar to them.
on the other hand she is also seen as sexualised. the clothing she is wearing is really revealing, as we can see some of her chest coming out from the black leather jacket. this can suggest women should be  objectified by men. in addition she is also wearing tight clothing, as she has leggings on, and this highlight her figure. this is effective as it shows the audience that women should have he perfect body to appeal men. it suggests that to be beautiful women should have wide hips and a prosperous breath.  he clothing can be seen as giving aa sense of belonging to the audience as it can bring them together in regards of their interests in the fashion industry. her facial expression is also really effective as he is looking straight at the camera. this suggest how women should be confident and never give up. she is wearing really light make up, which is effetive as it can give viewers a sense of belonging, strengtheing their ideas related to the beauty industry.

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