Thursday, December 20, 2018

talk about great british bake of- watch at home - old, black male and female - very diverse
(ou are a crafter - make it homemade)

huggah - setting the stage of hoe people should be - all year round a way of setting the tone of being together and hanging out
to be a hugely person - someone safe and trustworthy .
cookbook about huggah - danish get together without eating or drinking something
idea is to be comfortable and familiar
IKEA - huggah TIGER DANISH POUNDSHO --- STEREOTYPICAL LIFETYLE - huggah lifestyle arriving in uk

digital colture  - craft something without snapichating it?

hellen - crafts things she does not know how to make -
crafts usual items people can't buy


crstmenship and cooking is a way of connecting with lost things.
domestic is delicious.

men are frightened and not speaking up
women are really empathetic and men are in pain and are afraid to speak up.
professor from canada stepped up and is selling up arenas to speak for them

0.2 % men take parental leave a year
?how is the boss going to react
you need o take the plunge for meant o be in the same boat as woman, cultural change is needed.
male bosses suggest therapy if they want to talk parental leave and stay t home - looked down upon for eating to help out in the domestic sphere
1/4 men feel comfortable about their feelings.
they are tired to be treated as the money making machine- don't want to be taking up this role
there is a social pressure on me - have to earn a lot, have a nice house, have a sis pack. - they don't like talking about it - not to each other not to women.

more men are successful in suicide - battle with oppression and don't relize it as they don't like talking about it.
love island - men bodies are going to cause crisis.

but now we nee to talk about women.

men feel so much pressure from society- judged.
jordan paterson - need more men like him to step up and talk

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COLTURE DOMESTICTY - 4TH WAVE OF feminism talk about great british bake of- watch at home - old, black male and female - very diverse (ou ...