Monday, January 22, 2018


ferguson believed that women magazines are constantly tellng women to be more beautiful. this is evident for ecample in the  advert of bottled beauty as we see a woman who is applying make up on her face, suggesting that he natural beauty is not enoughtm but that she needs to try harder, to be as beautiful as she can be. this is further reinfroced thhrought they way her hair is done we can clearly see that it is pulled back andneatly brushedm suggesting that she needs to take lots of care in her looks.
in addition fergusiin believed that "getting and keeping a man " is comonly seen as a primary goal in women's magazine. making themselves attractive is therefore their duty. in this advert this is enhanced throught the headlines, where we can see a list of different products for skin, suggesting that women need to keep their sin soft and sulky, in order to pelase their man.

Find one tokenistic character from a Media text. (other than those mentioned).

Explain why they are tokenistic

Star Wars
After Episode IV became a blockbuster, numerous people noticed that an entire galaxy of humans were all white. (Which was not entirely true; it was just that the main characters were all white.) Episode V introduced Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian, the Token Minority Black.

reakfast at Tiffany’s has been romanticized to death by entire generations of filmgoers since its release. Which is weird, because it contains one of the most offensive performances in the history of American movies. Not only was Mickey Rooney cast to portray a Japanese man, the character itself indulges so many stereotypes about people of Asian descent, it would've still been offensive had an actual Japanese actor been cast.
The same way minstrel shows showcased overtly racist slapstick comedy featuring performers in blackface, Rooney’s role as I.Y. Yunioshi was a majorly exaggerated caricature of people of Japanese descent. 

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