Thursday, December 14, 2017

Uses and gratifications theory

Uses and gratifications theory

Uses and Gratifications theory was developed by Bulmer and Katz (1940 - 1970s) and it deals with the effect that people have on the media.  It suggests that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media and Bulmer and Katz believed that the user seeks out the media source that best fulfils their needs.
The uses and gratifications theory assumes the audience chooses what it wants to watch for five different reasons.
The audience is ACTIVE. they choose the media they want to watch

It assumes that the audience is not passive, but takes an active role in integrating media in their own lives.

Media is used from 5 different reasons:

  1. Identify - we look up to characheters or people on television. we learn from them and mimc their behaviours (some traits of them we can take and integrate in our own identity)
  2. Be informed or educated  - through news or documentaries
  3. Be entertained - can make us laugh cry, or think deeply
  4. Social interaction and integration - people take the programs they see and talk about them later. the is the idea of imagine community
  5. For escapism - the feeling of escaping in someone elses' life or be someone else for as long as you watch the program

criticism: people suggest that we get all our needs from television, and we can become depended from television.

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